Public Education

cfl-conference room

Workshops, Conferences, Presentations, Tabling and Seminars

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At our public education efforts utilize a variety of venues including seminars, workshops, webinars, conferences, tabling events, books, apps, articles, blogs, and documentaries and doc shorts focusing on the link between synthetic additives and illness.

Our public education venues feature a wide variety of topics including uncovering which food additives are causing your symptoms…learning which synthetic/industrialized food additives are the most problematic for certain health conditions (such as diabetes, obesity, fibromyalgia, IBS, insomnia, migraines, and more); how to recognize hidden additives not listed on the labels; removing additives from your pets‘ lives; how to make an easy transition to a chemical-free lifestyle, and losing the chemicals to lose the weight, to name just a few.


  No matter what the topic, our focus is always solution-oriented…

How to live a healthier, more vibrant life, free of chemicals of concern!


Other Seminars and Workshops



If your organization is interested in having us hold a seminar or workshop, or if your university course is appropriate for us to do a guest speaking presentation, if you know of an upcoming event you think we should do tabling, or if you are hosting an upcoming event and you think we would be a good fit, please let us know!


Media Outreach


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PEG Television Series, Doc Shorts, Talk Radio, Documentaries


DOC SHORTS/VIDEOS:  Satirical, user-friendly educational doc-shorts and videos about the dangers of synthetic and industrialized chemicals in the food and environment.



Ongoing series on Chemicals of Concern in our food, personal care and home care products, cosmetics and general environment.



A science-based, exceptionally user-friendly educational talk radio program about the link between synthetic chemicals and health concerns…The program educates listeners about the scientific research findings linking chemicals of concern with adverse health outcomes, investigates where these additives are hiding, and just as important, offers listeners practical, everyday strategies and solutions for avoiding them.



“Swallow THIS”…a satirical look at the political playbook responsible for what passes for ‘food’ today.