
research typography 2

Scientific Research 


Food/Product Additives Research…

-Consumer risk perceptions and behavior

-Sociological, economic and political antecedents and consequences

-Economic impact analysis

-Statistical analysis of public databases

-Health correlates meta-analysis

-Public opinion research

-Historical ethnographic marketing studies

-Nonprofit advocacy and special project research


Additional areas…

-Food and Product Label Violations:  organic; synthetic/industrialized additives; GRAS; etc.

-FDA Petitions: synthetic and industrialized food additives; product ingredients; etc.

-Food and Product Liability

-Occupational Health and Safety

-Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

-Scientific and medical research findings linking synthetic and industrialized food additives to serious adverse health conditions

-Toxic Environmental Torts: known carcinogens; neurotoxins; pesticides; banned substances; etc. harming human health and well-being, animal health, and the general environment (water, trees, air, etc.)






Consumer Risk Perceptions & Behavior Research


Scientific research specializing in consumer risk perceptions, attitudes and behavior in reaction to mainstream and social media reports questioning chemicals of concern in food, personal care, home care, and pet care products. Studies include survey analysis, observational studies, focus groups, and meta-analysis.

Research expertise and training in the behavioral, social and health sciences with a focus on reported health-related issues and how they impact perceived risks, attitudes, perceptions, and behavior.

In addition to research and analysis of the findings we offer numerous consumer-oriented solutions.


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consumer risk perceptions about additives graph


Research & Consulting Services


Survey Analysis, Ethnographic Studies, Observational Studies, Focus Groups,

Epidemiological Research / Meta-analysis



Scientific Research

Scientific research specializing in consumer risk perceptions, attitudes and behavior in reaction to mainstream and social media reports questioning chemicals of concern in food, personal care, home care, and pet care products. Study methodologies include survey analysis, observational studies, ethnographic studies, focus groups, and epidemiological studies, and meta-analysis. Research and consulting services include theoretical development, research design, survey development data collection & analysis, grant & report writing, needs assessment and program evaluation & development.


Research Consulting

Oftentimes receiving results about consumer perceptions and behavioral tendencies is just the beginning. We offer solutions-oriented options that are both compatible with current business models and speak to consumer concerns.


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additives on ingredients label


Interdisciplinary Research


We also design and conduct scientific studies (survey analysis, observational studies, focus groups, and meta-analysis) on the links between public health trends, consumer awareness, attitudes, and behavior, and economic consequences of potentially problematic synthetic and industrialized additives in the food supply. research scientists have interdisciplinary backgrounds and a broad range of interests including examining how public perception of food additives affects consumer behavior; sociological trends in consumer behavior such as label reading and consumer demands for  “additive-free” and organic products; the economic impact of the growing demand for additive-free foods and products; recent trends in popular media coverage of the health problems linked with synthetic food chemicals; the social and economic impact of chemical-free food advocacy campaigns by members of the general pubic aimed at forcing Big Food to remove unwanted food additives; examining the social, political, psychological and environmental factors involved in determining which synthetic/industrialized food additives capture the attention of the popular media and garner public outcry; and examining recent changes in how corporate food industry leaders respond to public pressure to remove or replace certain synthetic/industrialized food additives from the grocery store shelves.


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Scientific Research for Nonprofit Advocacy


We also design and conduct scientific studies on behalf of advocacy groups and organizations involved in special projects. Clients include NPOs working in the areas of food chemical labeling campaigns, food safety efforts, and environmental advocacy.

Typically these studies examine public perception, choices and behavior (as well as economic impact) with regard to existing and impending policies, laws and practices surrounding synthetic and industrialized chemicals in food and personal care products.

Research services include theoretical development and refinement, research design, survey development, data collection and statistical analysis, grant and report writing, and (where appropriate, with permission of funding agency) conference presentations of findings.


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grocery store aisle processed foods


Special Projects


Is your organization advocating for change in synthetic/industrialized chemicals in the food or environment?

The researchers at have over 25 years experience specializing in designing and conducting scientific research studies for nonprofit organizations.  Our expertise includes research design, survey development, data collection, statistical analyses, and reporting (including user-friendly executive summaries and media press releases).

Research expertise of our organization include: analysis of public perceptions, economic impact analysis, and statistical analysis of public databases (or other large client-provided data-sets).  Within the public perception area, one of our key topics is identifying and understanding trends in perceptions, opinions, beliefs and behaviors with regard to synthetic and industrialized chemicals in the food, personal care products, home care and cleaning products, and general environment (including attitudes and trends regarding organic foods and products and warning labels for potentially harmful food chemicals).  Another topic is identifying changes and trends in perceptions and opinions with regard to current and pending legislation and FDA/USDA approvals concerning food chemicals and environmental chemicals (including Genetically Modified Food Labeling and BPA legislation).

If your organization is working in the area of advocacy to remove, prevent, or label harmful synthetic chemicals in the food or environment, it is imperative that you have an accurate assessment of public opinion and behavior and economic impact in the specific area you are advocating.  Our organization conducts both national and regional/local scientific studies.


Contact us today for details on how we can help your efforts.


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consumers want transparency on labels


Demand for details on food labels includes the good – and the bad


Cornell University research finds that consumers crave more information, especially for the potentially harmful ingredients that aren’t included in the product.

The study found consumers willing to pay a premium when a product label says “free of” something, but only if the package includes “negative” information on whatever the product is “free of.”

For example, a food labeled “free” of a food dye will compel some consumers to buy that product. But even more people will buy that product if that same label also includes information about the risks of ingesting such dyes.

“What did surprise us was that…negative information was valued over just the label itself.” —Dr. Harry M. Kaiser


Journal Reference: J. Liaukonyte, N. A. Streletskaya, H. M. Kaiser, B. J. Rickard. Consumer Response to “Contains” and “Free of” Labeling: Evidence from Lab Experiments. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2013; 35 (3): 476 DOI: 10.1093/aepp/ppt015